Ice Cream Scoops

An exploration of modeling ice cream scoops out of pink foam


This was an assignment for a class on physical prototyping. We were tasked to model 15 iterations of a hand-held object of our choice out pink foam and then model our favorite iteration in the digital 3-D format using Solidworks. I decided I wanted to explore the different ways of designing an ice cream scoop.

In order to create my 15 different models of scoops in pink foam, I had to use several various tools to achieve a defined shape and smooth surface. These tools include:

  • Bandsaw

  • Hot Wire

  • Dremel

  • Drill Press

  • Disk Sander/Belt Sander

  • Rasp

  • File

  • Sandpaper

Foam Modeling

As I iterated on my models, I explored different grips on the handle as well as different shapes for the scoop itself. I also experimented with various lengths and thicknesses of the handle. For a few iterations, I tried to push the boundaries. For example, for my 6th iteration, I explored what an ice cream scoop with a brass knuckle handle would look and feel like. All 15 iterations can be seen in the image to the right.

From Physical to Digital

After building our models in pink foam, we were tasked to select one of our models to bring into the digital world and design in Solidworks. Because of the creativeness and fun factor, along with it being a surprisingly ergonomic handle, I chose to model the brass knuckle ice cream scoop iteration.

Final Solidworks Drawings

Final Renders


Elephant Enrichment


Coffee Table